John by Ryan Lowery (2017)

3 Responses to Jesus (Part 2)

Photo of Ryan Lowery
Ryan Lowery

John 5:15-47; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3


Jesus spoke most harshly against the Pharisees in his day. Christians have a history of being poor representatives of who God is, they can at times be more like the Pharisees than like Jesus. This holds lost people back from investigating and responding to the Gospel. The Pharisees were infuriated with Jesus for breaking their man-made rules. They were convinced that God would be pleased that they were so strict, so that when God was in front of them they missed it! Jesus gives a comprehensive argument for why he is who he claims to be. We also need to realize that we have a problem and that we do not have the solution in ourselves; it is only God who is great. Loving other people should be supreme over our desire for people to have good views of us.


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