Revelation by Scott Risley (2013)

The Beast & the False Prophet

Photo of Scott Risley
Scott Risley

Revelation 13:1-18


During the end times, the Beast and the False Prophet will rise up and rule for a period of time. Some of the characteristics of the Beast include: 1) rises to power in an empire consisting of 10 nations; 2) he establishes a world-wide government for the first time; 3) he is able to control what people buy and sell, worldwide; 4) he gains control of the world in only 3.5 years; 5) he commits an "abomination of desolation"; 6) he launches a war so destructive that God has to step in before the life on earth is wiped out completely; 7) this happens during a time when Israel is regathered and exists as a nation; 8) during his reign, God ends history as we know it and establishes the kingdom as God.


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