Ephesians by Dennis McCallum (2011)

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Self (Part 1)

Photo of Dennis McCallum
Dennis McCallum

Ephesians 4:22-28; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:11-13


Once we enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ we are given a new identity, but just because we have a new identity does not mean we live in that new identity. The apostle Paul urges readers to lay aside the old self and put on the new self, then contrasts what is typical of the old self to what is fitting for the new self. The old self is self-centered - doesn't care about truth, doesn't understand community, and seeks money and goods for self. The new self is others-centered - truthful, would rather suffer than dis-unify the body, and focuses on giving more.

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