Matthew by Dennis McCallum (1995)

The Sending of the Twelve

Photo of Dennis McCallum
Dennis McCallum

Matthew 10:1-40


God elects to work through humans. In this chapter, Jesus sends his twelve disciples on a special mission. This passage reveals ten principles of Christian ministry: 1) in most cases, God calls us to work together, not alone; 2) we should prioritize ministry; 3) we offer the power of God, not our own power; 4) the Lord's work, done the Lord's way, will receive the Lord's provision; 5) we should find responsive people and focus on them; 6) we should be sensitive and alert, but never compromise; 7) serving God is not popular; 8) truth is divisive and exclusive; 9) those who live their lives for themselves will end up empty and dissatisfied, but those who give their lives to Christ will find a full and satisfying life; and 10) what we are here to do is extremely important.


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