Matthew by Dennis McCallum (2010)

Getting Ready for the Climax of Human History

Photo of Dennis McCallum
Dennis McCallum

Matthew 24:3-44; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-10


Jesus explains to his disciples the signs that are "birth pains" before the end of human history. He describes the presence of false teachers that will come in his name and wars, famines, earthquakes and nations will be against other nations. He warns his disciples that there will be intense persecution against Christians, that many will walk away from the faith and love will grow cold, but that the gospel will be preached to the whole world. From Jesus' words, it's clear that the end of human history will be categorized by events on multiple fronts, including: 1) theological; 2) sociological; 3) ecological; 4) technological; and 5) political. As we await the return of Jesus Christ, the call for Christians is one of anticipation and sobriety as we look forward to being with Jesus forever.


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