Matthew by Dennis McCallum (2010)

Jesus: Authenticated and Unique

Photo of Dennis McCallum
Dennis McCallum

Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38


The gospel of Matthew, written by Matthew the tax collector, begins by examining the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Beginning with Abraham, the genealogies mentioned go through Abraham's descendants to the tribe of Judah, leading to the line of David. The genealogies seem to not line up with Jesus coming from David because of the line of Jeconiah, but after careful examination, it's clear that Jesus came from the line of Heli, Mary's father. An understanding of Jewish law denotes that Jesus would inherit what came from his adoptive father, Joseph, thus settling the apparent contradiction in genealogies. Through the genealogies, we see Jesus as a predicted son of Abraham, Jacob, David and even adopted into the inheritance, fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies concerning him. This genealogy points out God's control and sovereignty over human history to enact His marvelous plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.


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