Acts by Dennis McCallum (2009)

Following Jesus in a Pluralistic World

Photo of Dennis McCallum
Dennis McCallum

Acts 17:1-33


Paul reasons through the scriptures in Thessalonica, only to be driven out by some Jews and end up in the cultural hub of Athens. This city had idol worship of various kinds and was a spot for pluralistic thinking. Today, pluralism is such a potent belief - the idea that all beliefs are equally valid. Paul spoke to this pluralistic culture by finding common ground with them without compromising on God's Truth and showing how God is so distinct and true as opposed to the false idols they were worshiping. It's important to realize God's claims through scripture stand in total contrast to pluralistic thinking, and that people must make a decision about the truth and validity revealed through Jesus Christ. This teaching includes two separate interviews, on the topic of worshiping false idols and if all religions are valid.


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